Friday, May 4, 2007


Great revenue is driven by great employees.

Google Inc. is attracting the brightest. It added almost 5,000 employees last year, for a total of 10,674. An additional 1,564 workers joined the company in the first quarter. The Internet company was the most desirable place to work in a survey of MBAs this year.

1. Google dominates the market for Internet-search advertising and is one of the fastest-growing technology companies. The company's surging sales and profit also make it a much safer bet than the dot-coms of the late 1990s.
2. Google workers are showered with perks, such as free meals, shuttles to work and on-site massages. With its lava lamps, ski trips and gourmet cafeterias, it isn't just paradise for Silicon Valley engineers. It's the new dream company for business-school students.
3. Employment openings suitable for MBAs include an associate position for its strategy group and a job as head of business development for the mobile business. Google provides an alternative for MBAs that would have otherwise gone into management consulting or investment banking.

Did someone say frugality and asceticism in good times builds strength of character?

[Click here for full story at: BLOOMBERG.COM]

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