Thursday, November 15, 2007


1. Grameenphone Ltd., the Bangladeshi mobile-phone company founded by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, may buy other operators for more airwave spectrum to accommodate its target of adding 7 million users a year, as competition intensifies from rivals including Orascom Telecom Holding SAE.
2. It plans to encourage users to make more calls and introduce services such as Research in Motion Ltd.'s Blackberry device to increase average spending from less than $5 a month
3. It invested about $300 million in each of the past three years to meet demand
4. Its Village Phone Program offers loans to villagers to buy handsets, which are then used in the community as pay phones, earning the operators income.

[Grameen Telecom Corp. started the phone company with the aim of bringing services to 100 million villagers in Bangladesh. (Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid)]

[Click here for full story at: BLOOMBERG.COM]

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