Saturday, November 17, 2007


1. Google the Internet search and advertising company will bid alone at January's auction of wireless airwaves, but it's likely to need a partner to develop a network
[The auction, scheduled for January, gives participants a rare opportunity to assemble spectrum for a national network in a single swoop, potentially creating a competitor to existing mobile service providers AT&T and Verizon Wireless, a joint venture of Verizon Communications and Vodafone.]
2. It appeared ready to commit at least $4.6 billion to bidding for spectrum.
3. It owns large quantities of the fiber-optic cables necessary for carrying wireless calls over long distances but may also need to rely on national carriers such as AT&T and Verizon
4. It has made strides in the area of mobile software.
5. Google and 33 other companies including Motorola (MOT) and LG Electronics announced the Open Handset Alliance and a new cell-phone-software platform named Android that's designed to make it cheaper and easier to create mobile applications and services.
6. It has hired Andy Rubin, Google's director of mobile platforms, with years of experience in phone design.
7. It maintains its own local wireless network at the site of its Mountain View (Calif.) headquarters
8. It isn't ruling out partnering to build a network, which has to be carried out quickly

[Click here for full story at: BUSINESSWEEK.COM]

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